Fuel and Our Classics

Fuel and Our Classics

PCA released, on their YouTube channel, a Tech Tactics video on the topic of fuel and oil for our Porsches.

Go to the link below and hear what they had to say about modern fuel for Classic Porsches and modern Porsches also. Spoiler alert, it’s not good. The modern DFI (Direct Fuel Injection) cars have issues also. Remember when Porsche never recommended fuel additives for our cars? They now sell it for our cars. I think that tells the story. What do you think?

The fuel discussion starts at 11:20 into the video. Oh, the first 20 seconds of the video are a black screen.

The discuss on oil is for another time.


The Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPldTFflEVQ&list=PLCZmxzg99WQxxBgFOwP1r5O6yfBGTRIsA

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